Thursday, July 9, 2009

DeVry again

After a much enjoyed and much needed 2 week break from classes, I'm back at it. I'm now enrolled in GSP 410, Software Engineering for Game Programming. So far, the reading has been so dry I can't get through it. Although I think it has some good points, I just seem to have a problem with non-fiction.

Anyway, I'm downloading SmartDraw for my first assignment. We'll see how it goes.

On an aside, I decided to try and link with my professor on LinkedIn, he wouldn't be the first. Unfortunately however, he was unwilling to do so. I don't know why this bothers me, as it doesn't really matter. I guess I just don't like the rejection. Obviously its his profile and he can link with who he wants. Maybe its for the best though, since his profile picture makes him look like a weird stalker.

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